

For over 120 years, St Peter’s has been a centre of Christian life in Ealing, and continues to inspire people through its mission, work and beauty. The Church is a resource available to everyone, and we aim to ensure that this special place remains for future generations.

If you love St Peter’s you can help to secure its vital work and historic fabric by leaving a gift to the Church in your will.

Making a will

Writing a will is not complicated but we recommend you consult a solicitor to ensure your will accurately reflects your intentions. The following contains the information necessary for St Peter’s to receive your gift:

I give to the Parochial Church Council of The Ecclesiastical Parish of St Peter, Ealing, Mount Park Road, W5 2RU (Registered Charity Number 1131598) (state the % residue or sum of money you wish to give) and request without obligation that it be used at the discretion of the Parochial Church Council for immediate or future needs. 

There are several ways to leave a gift to St Peter’s in your will

Pecuniary bequest - a donation of a fixed sum of money or shares
Residuary bequest - a gift of all or a percentage of your estate after all other payments and bequests have been made

Please get in touch if you wish to support a specific area of St Peter’s work. We can help you to find wording which ensures your gift will have the impact you intend and will remain valid in the future. 

Thank you

Legacies are vital to St Peter’s future and your support is truly valued. It is helpful for us to know about legacies that are being left to St Peter’s, so we would be grateful if you choose to share your intentions. We can then acknowledge your kindness and keep you up-to-date with our activities.

For more information please contact the Vicar or Treasurer via the Parish Office

  • Our latest weekly notices sheets are available as PDFs here.

© Copyright 1890-2025 St Peter's Church | Registered Charity No: 1131598